One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Disco in der Stadt

So, I am posting for the last two days, because last night I got back too late and was too tired to post! So here is my update for the past two days!
I woke up late on Wednesday, but when I got up I met Rachel and Hannah for breakfast at the bakery around the corner from my house. Hannah and I both got Choco-Croissants, which I regretted later as my stomach was growling at me the rest of the day saying, "Why did you feed me this crap that I cannot digest?!". When we were in the bakery, we were surprised to see an old friend of ours, the Euro-bum that yelled profanities in the post office.
I snapped a picture of him this time when he wasn't looking, so here he is:
You can't really see it, but he has flowers in his hair! 
We kind of rushed out of the bakery for fear that he would yell things at us, and after that we just relaxed before I sent out some postcards at the post office. 
After that we got all of our stuff together, as we were planning to meet the boys to go to the Disco called TopTen. We went to Rachel's and made ourselves dinner consisting of pasta and peas. While we were making dinner we met one of Rachel's housemates, and then while we were eating dinner we watched some Futurama in German! (What a great way to practice, right?)
We met the boys to go to the club before ten so that we could get the free admission for the student discount. 
At the disco, we got some drinks and eventually made our way to the dance floor when the place busied up a bit. We danced practically the whole time, sang with strangers, and did our best to avoid drinks being spilled on us from people passing by.
We walked home after the club and relaxed for a while at Hannah's before taking turns walking each other home. We had a lot of fun, and spent a lot of time just cracking up for reasons that would take forever to explain! But a good time was had by all!

I went to bed around 3:30/4 and woke up super late today (Thursday), at around 12:15. I met with Rachel and we went to meet Hannah, get some breakfast, then we went up to Hannah's room. Hannah went on her computer while Rachel and I fell asleep on her bed. I slept for about an hour or two (sorry Hannah!), until the guys got to Hannah's. Then we all went to take a hike up to the castle where we decided to lay out in the courtyard to read.
Me and Rachel up at the castle!

We all started reading..

 I ended up being the only one who read, because everyone else just slept, but it was a nice way to spend the day!
We went back down to get some food at about 6:45. We got some pizza for about three Euros a pizza and took it up to Hannah's to eat! While we were eating, one of Hannah's roommates introduced a girl from New Zealand who was staying the night, because she could not get into her building until tomorrow. We went out on the balcony at Hannah's after finishing eating and had some wine while we talked to Emily, the girl from New Zealand, Hannah's roommate, Kolja, and one of Kolja's friends. We had a lot of fun, and it was interesting to talk to Emily all about school and about all of the places she had traveled and lived, as she had recently taken a long trip to South America. We stayed until about 12am, and then parted ways. 
Now I am sitting in my room, blogging while talking to Christina on Skype, and trying to stay awake. So, for now I will say goodnight, and I hope you all have enjoyed this blog post!

Bis spaeter!

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