One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Kulturbahn: Accurately Named

So today, I eventually met up with Rachel and Hannah, and then we went to the Nonnenmarkt to get some food for Rachel.
 This guy was outside the Nonnenmarkt playing his percussion instrument!

While we were returning Rachel's bottles, which she used to pay for most of her food, I took a snapshot of just how well-behaved the dogs are in Germany.
People just tie up their dogs, not even fully, and the dogs here will just sit and wait. They hardly bark, and are so well behaved. If I ever get a dog, I think I will put it through some sort of German training program!
After the market, we went to Hannah's, where I admittedly fell asleep for a while! Zach and Jake met up with us at Hannah's, and before long we were off to Reutlingen! We walked down to the Hauptbahnhof, where we bought a group ticket. We then realized that our train was on the other platform and was leaving in just a few minutes, so we had to run to the other platform through the underground tunnel and catch the train. Poor Hannah still has her boot on, so running to catch anything is no easy feat for her! We did catch the train, and then it was off to Reutlingen!
We walked down what seemed to be the main street, which was filled with shops. Our destination was the little wine festival there, which we decided was better to visit for lunch, as we couldn't get reservations for dinner. We made our way down, found ourselves a table, and ordered some food. 
Rachel and Hannah at lunch!
Zach, Jake, and Me

Jake and Me


Zach making quite a lovely face.

Here is the little street where we ate lunch. I loved how there were so many sunflowers all over the place!

We sat right next to this church, which was hosting a wedding during our lunch. I literally just looked up and took this picture from where we were eating.

Another shot of the church.
After we all paid for our food (which was somewhat hard to talk to our waitress because of the really strong accent), we decided to go walk through the church!

An altar in the church.

The one side of the church's pews were labeled "Frauenplaetze", which means Women's seats. (I got a picture of Hannah's boot along with my feet too!)

"Maennernplaetze", Men's seats.

 After I got my pictures, I began to walk around the church a little. As I was walking toward one side of the building, I could hear music coming from outside, so I walked outside and found myself facing three guys entertaining dinner guests and passerbys. 

Here is the view of the church from the other side, where I came out.

After enjoying the music for a bit, we all started to head back to the train station to catch a train to Rottenburg. 
At one point, I turned around and found that they were posing behind us!

We got back to the Tübingen train station after running to catch more trains, and made it on to the Kulturbahn, a train that goes to smaller towns. We boarded the train somewhat early and had to sit for a while so that other passengers could board the train. A woman came on with her dog, which had no leash, and took a seat on the train not far from us. She had no shoes on and had a beer in hand; pretty classy people on this train! Then an older woman came and sat next to me and said something that I could not understand so I responded, "Wie bitte?" (Come again?), and she just continued to talk, so I just smiled and nodded. I felt so bad that I could not understand her, but I am pretty sure she was talking about the weather, so I don't feel as bad.
We got to Rottenburg right at 6:00, and we were welcomed by the bells of the nearby church!

We walked a ways toward the main square, which contained the Rathaus. On the way we stopped to take some pictures, stopped for a milkshake, which really just turned out to be milk, and had to stop to see a pigeon.

I'm not really sure what he's doing here, but here's Jake!

My mommy says I'm special! Sorry Rachel for ruining your beautiful picture!

Angsty Jake.

Again, not so sure why I'm doing this, but it's a nice picture of Jake!

Rachel being a sexy beast!

Me by the Neckar at Rottenburg!

Jake was fascinated by the pigeon drinking water out of the fountain even though it clearly said, "Kein Trinkwasser".

Here it is drinking the forbidden water!

The fountain of forbidden water in front of the church in the main square.

The main square!
Everything was pretty much dead at Rottenburg, so we decided to come back perhaps another day during the day when the town would be more lively. We made our way back to the train station once more, and boarded our train back to Tübingen (Kulturbahn). As I walked in I immediately saw a girl in all black with bright red eyes, and a bunch of backpackers. Zach and Hannah sat down next to eachother, while Jake, Rachel, and I sat by a man with a large bouquet of flowers. Jake then proceeded to ask him if the flowers were for his wife. We talked with the man and found out that his brother lives in New York and works as a cab driver, and something about a Bumbly-something in Chicago. He was very hard to understand.
After an interesting trip back to Tübingen, we made a quick Kaufland run and went back to Hannah's where we watched "The Dark Knight" in German! I sort of fell asleep at the end, but could totally hear what was going on! Rachel and I walked back as far as my place, and then she split to go to her room. 
We all decided to just do our own thing for breakfast in the morning, and depending on the weather we may go up to the castle to read in the courtyard again. It's raining now as I am updating this blog post, so hopefully the rain will lighten up soon!
I may not post tomorrow, and it may take me a day or two after that to update, as I start my Deutsche-Kompakt Kurs on Monday morning, so keep checking!

Well it's been a pretty long day, filled with walking on blistered feet in ninety degree weather, so I am going to call it a night! Goodnight to everybody, and I will post again soon!

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