One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Genius Bar

So, yesterday was practically spent procrastinating, because today we had a Test, a project to present, and also a little essay to turn in. After procrastinating practically the whole day away at either Hannah's and at the castle, Rachel went to Zach and Jake's to study with them, while I went to Hannah's and studied. I also figured out my schedule for this semester, as we have to choose this week. I am hoping that I will get into all of my classes... Only time will tell I guess.
After studying Passive for about three hours (I may or may not be exeggerating a bit), I said goodnight and headed back to my room. 
I woke up this morning a bit earlier than normal, because I wanted to check out this store that possibly could fix my computer, but it was too early in the morning and was closed. I headed to class a little early and found myself freaking out about the day ahead. We had a little lecture in our Unterricht, and then a small pause before our Test. I was the first to finish the test, and as soon as I handed it in, I headed off to the ZDF building. It took me about a half hour, but I made it without getting lost, all the while planning the conversation in my head: asking the receptionist if there was anyone there who could fix my computer. I finally made it to the building, went inside, found the receptionist, and asked if there was anyone who could fix my computer (quite successfully, too). She then told me that if I went to the second floor, then I would find the IT desk called "Genius Bar". I thanked her, and made my way upstairs.
When it was my turn, the guy asked what he could do for me, and I said quite stupidly that I did not know if my problem was too big... which he then replied, "Well we'll see then" (in German though, so no giant buzzer in the sky on that one).

I told him that I had a virus and that mz computer would only open in safe mode, and after some paperwork and some very embarrassing attempts at German conversation he said that he would back up my files and get rid of the virus (or try anyway), and that he did not know how long it would take. I then passed over my computer and powercord into more capable-German-IT hands. (With a name like "Genius Bar", I don't expect anything less than pure German-IT Genius!) I then realized that he would need an adaptor, and asked him if he had one. Of course he did not, so I told him I would run and get one. Now, at this point, one would think the term "run and get one" implies a short distance. No. I had to run across Tübingen, literally across the city back to my room and pick up my adaptor. Then after that long thirty minute fast walk, I had to run back to the ZDF, which took another thirty minutes, to drop it off. And after all that, I had to run back and give a presentation on German Music.
Here is the route I walked four times today. It's super zoomed out, but it gives you an idea.
 We were the first to go, and it was kind of really stressful.. Not only were we presenting in front of a semi-large group, but we were doing so in German, a language that none of us are super comfortable with yet.
We got to present music such as:
After the presentation, I was so relieved. I think we did pretty well, and then we got to watch two other groups present their projects. After class, everyone made plans to go up to the "Osterberg" here close to Tübingen, but after the morning I had had, I just wanted to relax, so I opted out of climbing that mountain, and said that I would meet them later for dinner. (Sorry Sound of Music, but I chose not to climb every mountain...)
After picking up some food for my room and eating a quick dinner, I am now at the library feeling like a true German student. I have a good idea of what classes I am going to take, I now have access to the internet without bugging Hannah every time I need to check my email, and I am one day closer to our trip on Wednesday to the Bodensee. Right now I am feeling pretty good, but I have the feeling this will only last until it something like my computer can't be fixed comes to my realization. Well, anyway, ignorance is said to be bliss, and I am enjoying it all the same.
 (By the way, sorry if any of my z's and y's are mixed up, I am using the German keyboard in the library so I am really having to think about it every time I use a z or y, as they are flipped here.)

Until next time!

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