One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Cooking and Naps

So I didn't post yesterday! That just means I have to catch everyone up on what happened since then!
We all decided to sleep in yesterday, so when we finally met up we really didn't do anything together besides make plans for dinner! We called up Zach and Jake to invite them to my place for dinner. Zach said he would come later, but Jake did not want to come, because he was just a little upset (for full details, see Hannah's Blog: Travels with Simba, which is linked on the right side of my blog). I made dinner consisting of pasta and peas (we eat on a budget here!), and we had quite a lovely meal!
Here is our wonderful meal!

I had to sit next to Mr. Creepy-Face here, and had flashbacks to the time when Dan chased me around in a clown wig as a child... thanks again Dan!

Besides the clown, it was a great dinner, and afterwards Zach came over and we all just relaxed in my room for the night!
We woke up this morning early so that we could go to our first day of the Deutsch-Kompakt Kurs for international students! We had to do paperwork today, so we all had to have our papers and biometric passport pictures in order. We met up at Hannah's, and then split up to get done what needed to be done before we could go to the course and fill out our paperwork! Jake and I went to find me a passport booth to get me some biometric passport pictures, as the ones I got back in the US were no good here, and Hannah, Rachel, and Zach went off to get paperwork from Rachel's house.
We met back up and then made our way to the building where our course was. We had to wait one by one to speak with one of the tutors/teachers, so we sat down and waited for our turns to come. As we were called, more people came in, and I met a guy from the Czech Republic with whom I talked until I was called. I got all of the information that I needed, and then it was off to the bank, because I had to pay a student fee for the University in order to matriculate. The course that I am taking consists of tests, projects, day trips, and lessons. Tomorrow we all have to take two tests: a speaking test and a written test, so that we can be separated by the level of German that we speak. There is the chance and the likelihood that the five of us will be split somehow, but it will all work out I suppose.
We all went to the bank together, and I had my money wired into the University account to pay my fees. When we were in the bank, one of the foreign students from the course came and asked me some questions about the course, and I also saw the guy I was talking to while I waited. After the bank, we all went back to my room and relaxed again. Zach and Jake helped me figure out my door, and I now know how to buzz people in. Then one by one we all fell asleep. At one point four people were sleeping on my bed, and now I wish that I had taken a picture, because my bed is tiny. I slept on the floor with a pillow, because the person whose room it is automatically loses bed privileges, according to Jake anyway! =] After we all napped and woke up, we made a trip out of going to Saturn (the German version of Best Buy) and REWE (supermarket). Jake was looking for a phone, Hannah bought a poster, and I looked at printers. I found a printer for about 27 Euros, not including ink, which is about 37. 

We also looked at movies, to see if they had anything cheap that we could buy to practice our German skills!
Regardless of language, this is still the worst movie I've ever seen, and it makes me sick just looking at it!
We all bought some groceries at the REWE and went back to my place to cook dinner. We had spaetzle and some sort of meat ball things. After cleaning up, we went back into my room for a bit, and then decided to call it a night, because we all have to wake up early in the morning for our tests!
We parted ways and now I am blogging and debating getting ready for bed early, as I am hoping to Skype tonight. We'll see!
So for now I say goodnight, and I hope that I do not hear the giant buzzer in the sky tomorrow during my speaking test!

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