One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Compact Course; What Are We Really Being Taught?

So I haven't blogged in a few days, so this blog will have to catch everyone up on what I've been doing!
The second day of our course started at 9am, and I walked with Rachel to the building where we met everyone else. The first day of this course was what anyone would expect from a first day. We learned names and played games using our names, so that we would learn the names of the other people in our class. After all of the name games we had a quick break and then went straight back into German with GRAMMAR.. Wahoo! Yipee... We practiced and practiced, and we practiced by doing activities and games, which I felt were not what I needed. I figure that for me, a practical approach is best. I like to practice practically to improve my grammar, but I suppose everyone is different. We took a break for lunch, and ended up going to a place called Unkel (or something like that) with a bunch of people from Zach and Jake's class. (By the way, not sure if I mentioned this, but Hannah, Rachel, and I are in the middle class, and Jake and Zach got placed in the higher one). Lunch was fun, and the food was pretty cheap and tasty. After lunch we went back to our course and had Tutorium. Tutorium is essentially a German student, her name is Susanne, helping us to acclimate into the culture, and to help us prepare to live in Germany and survive our courses. After some acclimation time, we left the course and set off for the day. I cannot really recall what I did that second day, it was a while ago, but it was probably pretty similar to every other day.
All week we practiced grammar, practiced our German , and worked on becoming students in Germany; this includes matriculating at the university. We spent quite some time getting our paperwork in order, and even had an early break from class to go off to matriculate with the university. I am now officially a student, and should get my legitimate internet in about a week or two. Also, being a student means that I can buy a bus pass in October when school starts! Yay!
On Friday, I had a really hard time waking up for class. I was tired the whole lecture, and the teacher knew it.. Sorry Antje! We decided not to eat at the Mensa, like we had the day prior, because today was salmon steak day, which did not sound to enticing. So Hannah, Rachel, and I went back to my place and made some food really fast.  
After class on Friday, everyone from the course decided to go out for a drink, so we went to Deja Vu. We found a back room, and all 18 (give or take) of us sat around this little table, probably meant for about six people. 

German Compact Course Group

Everyone on the Neckarbruecke
Deja Vu

Jake and Olav

Everyone had to split the last drink, because we had gotten an extra.

They were splitting the last drink.

Hannah, Zach, Rachel, half of Me.
Everyone around the little IKEA tables.

Rachel and Me.

Wasn't really looking when I took this one.

It was fun, except Rachel and I were stuck in the corner, so didn't really get to talk with anyone!
So today I woke up at about ten, met Rachel and Hannah at the bakery for breakfast, and then we went shopping. We went to H&M, where I got a sweater, and then we went to Orsay, where both Hannah and Rachel got something. Then we met up with Zach, Jake, and Olav and went to this shady flea market on the other side of town.
Pretty much, everyone had their crap thrown on the floor. It looked like they had just gone dumpster diving and were just trying to make a few Euros from someone else's crap.
After the flea market, we ended up at Kaufland, but then Hannah, Rachel, and I decided to break off from the boys so that we could just relax for a while. Rachel had worn shoes that were not fit for walking, Hannah's foot was bothering her (she did not wear her walking boot today, because we went shopping), and my blisters and ankles were killing me! My ankles now look like cankles... they are so swollen and gross, and the blisters on each of my feet may be forming their own governments because they are so big. 
We went back to my place for a while, where I will not admit to falling asleep for a while. After a while, we met back up with Zach, Jake, and Olav, before Olav had to leave. Rachel, Zach, Jake, and I went to New Yorker, while Hannah skyped with her parents and did laundry. We had a lot of fun trying on clothes. I bought a shirt, and after laughing at Jake's sexy model faces we all checked out while Zach waited outside, as he did not buy anything. As we were checking out, Zach was talking to two German guys on the bench that he had sat on. They were pretty shirtless, so I snapped a picture:
Zach looks so happy here! Haha!

We then bought some food before going up to Hannah's to eat. At this point, my ankles were massive, so I stayed at Hannah's for a little longer than I had meant to, because I could not bear to stand up. After I left Hannah's, I threw in a load of laundry before starting this blog post. I have homework to do yet, and I also have to pack tonight or tomorrow morning for Blaubeuren.
The Deutsche-Kompakt Kurs is taking the entire group of students to Blaubeuren from Sunday to Friday. We will be doing some hiking, which I am dreading at this point, because my ankles and blisters are killing me! We'll see how it goes. I may have some great stories, including pain and suffering by the time I get back.
I believe that Rachel and Hannah will be coming to my room yet tonight for German homework time and some Modern Family =] !
 I hope everyone in the US is enjoying the non-hilly streets, and evenly paved streets, as I am feeling the effects tonight.
But for now I will say goodnight! And, I will see you all (metaphorically through my blog posts) in a week!

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