One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tests, Tours, and Deutsch! Oh My!

Today was a bit exhausting! I woke up at about 8 am to be ready to walk with Rachel to meet everyone else for our German course (Deutsch-Kompakt Kurs). I got ready in no time at all, and then buzzed Rachel up when she rang the bell (which I totally know how to work now!). We met up with Hannah, Zach, and Jake in front of the building, and then made our way in to sit down in the classroom. Today we had to do two tests for the tutors and teachers to evaluate our German skills: a written test and a speaking test. The reason we are tested, is so that we can be split into three different groups depending on our skill level, so that we have a better chance of learning what we need to. One by one people filed into the room, and before long we were introduced to the teachers and the tutors who would be teaching the course. The written test was handed out after further introductions, and so it began.
Alternating between people, there were two different tests that were given out: a white and a pink test. The two were different to prevent cheating, but there was really no difference in the content, just the order. The test itself was not too difficult, and was split into three sections. Teil A (part A) and Teil B (part B) were both basic vocabulary and grammar questions, while the third part was an essay. During the first two parts of the test I could just hear the voice in my head reading the questions and answers out loud with the hope that one of the answers at times would sound correct. Other questions were very easy, and the essay itself was not too hard. We had to write about our first experiences in Germany, so it was pretty open-ended.
When I had finished my test, I handed it in and waited in the hall to be called for my speaking test. They were taking in groups of threes, and I had to wait a while. I talked with some of the people in the course. The guy from the Czech Republic was there, and I talked with him for a little bit, and then I went and talked to Hannah, Rachel, and Jake until the three of them were called in to test together.
Eventually I was called in with two girls that I did not know. The two girls took their turn before me, and were asked questions such as, 
"When did you arrive in Tübingen?"
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"How long are you staying here?"
"Tell us about yourself."
"What do you think of the city?"...
and questions of that nature. 
I was the last to go, so I think that I had the advantage, because I could sort of plan in my head how I was going to answer the questions that were being asked. At one point during the test, I was asked how I liked Tübingen, to which I replied that it was great, but very hilly. The teacher and the tutor who were testing us both laughed and started to talk about the song that I posted on my blog not too long ago, and I even broke out some of my dance moves =] !
After the test, the five of us went to Hannah's after sorting out some of Hannah's problems at the bank. The break was short lived, however, as we had to be back at the building where our course is to meet up for a tour of the city. They took us in three groups for lunch at the Mensa (student cafeteria) and then around the city, showing us places to eat, shop, and relax all around the city. Eventually our tour led us to the Neckarmüller, where we had a small snack/beer. Once there, we met a girl from Korea (she spoke only German and Korean, which gave us the great opportunity to speak German without a fallback language), and we ended up spending the day hanging out with her. We went for ice cream and ate it on the wall by the Neckar. Then we went up to the castle for a while, which was pretty exhausting and painful with blisters on both feet. After the castle, we went to buy dinner at the supermarket consisting of deli meat and bread to make sandwiches. It was a really cheap dinner, but also very yummy!
After dinner we just relaxed, but it was back to reality when it dawned on us that we had to get up early the next morning, and therefore had to part ways for the night.
Now I am just sitting in my room blogging, after having Skyped with my family for a little bit.
I will be gone next week for my course, so no internet for me! I will be gone from Sunday to Friday, so no worries when I do not post!

For now I must say goodnight, as I have to get up fairly early for my first day of actual lecture and class time.
So jetzt werde ich auf Deutsch (natürlich), "Guten Abend" sagen!

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