One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Singin' in the Rain

Today was definitely a lazy day, so this will be a pretty short post! I woke up, got ready, got breakfast with Hannah and Rachel, and then we all went back to my place. We just relaxed the day away, with me keeping Hannah and Rachel from falling asleep on my bed! I bought a poster online to liven up my room a bit, as all of my walls are beyond white! The poster was a Casablanca poster, which I am pretty excited about!
Before we spent the day lounging around, we went to the market and got some chocolate and I bought laundry detergent, which is impossible to do here, because there are so many different kinds, and I had no idea what to look for. We'll see how my clothes turn out! It may prove to be an interesting topic for another blog post! I paid for the majority of my purchase with the bottles that I had saved up, as you can earn money back for the bottles when you put them through a machine right outside of the store.
After a while in my room, we headed off to Rachel's for some reason that I cannot remember now. At this point, we could hear thunder outside in the distance, but it seemed like a good idea at the time to head to Rachel's then and there. Well, the second we got outside, it started pouring, and we had to brave our way to Rachel's through the rain, and where there is rain, there is Emily singing in it! 
Before we could leave Rachel's we had to wait for the rain to stop!
Angst-y Rachel waiting for the rain to stop.

Sad Hannah, as her boot was really wet!

More waiting...

Me and Hannah!

After Rachel's we went to the market again to get some lunch, and we ate deli sandwiches at Hannah's place. Then, after a good meal, we set off for the boys' building (luckily it didn't rain on us then) and spent the rest of the evening there!
I wasn't feeling very well. Here we are at Jake's! They were drinking their Nuclear Mionics =] !
This morning I got up and got some breakfast (like every other day)! Unlike every other day though: I checked my mail and found that I had two letters, one from the bank and one from DAAD. The bank sent me some information, and DAAD sent me the information on my health insurance! Yay for health insurance! So I am just sitting in my room waiting for the phone call that will start the rest of my day as I blog for you all! Today we are going to Reutlingen, and we will be spending the whole day there. I hope that I will have some fun stories for you all! So, until then, have a good sleep (it's 4am your time)!!

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