One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Clowns, Mimes, and German Bouncers

I woke up on Tuesday and headed to Unterricht. Class was normal as always. After Unterricht came, a pause, more Unterricht, lunch, then Tutorium. We are now doing a project in groups on specific topics, and our topic is Music in Germany. We had to go into the park and interview people about their favorite music, and other topics relating to music in Germany. No Rammstein was mentioned, sorry. And also no Volksmusik! =[ Too bad, I really love me some of that Volksmusik, it reminds me of my Papa Moe!

So after class got out for the day, we headed out for the Altstadt. Rachel, Hannah, and I just walked through the city a bit, relaxing at my place for a while. We went into the shop right by my room, and found some very interesting jewelery!
You can't really see it, but the ring is a dragon, and it was badass!
We shopped at H&M and New Yorker too, I just did some browsing, as I did not have a bank card, and therefore had no access to money. Outside of the New Yorker was a clown making balloons for kids. I was a little freaked out, and once again had flashbacks to Dan chasing me as a small child. Hannah was even more freaked out, so we avoided the clown and made our way into H&M.
After looking in some stores, we really just went back to my room, made dinner consisting of pasta and peas, and then all went our separate ways for the night.

The next morning, we worked diligently (trying not to fall asleep) in our German course. After we got out for the day, we met up with Helena and decided to go up to the castle, because after several days of bad weather, we finally had a nice day! As we were walking back to Hannah's to put our stuff down, Hannah's uncle, who she had been expecting to try and find later in the day, was standing outside her door. We met her uncle, and after a quick stop in Hannah's room, headed off to the castle. On the way up to the castle, we saw the clown again, which we had to avoid. Even stranger than that, though, is that about a minute later we saw a mime walking through the city. I turned and looked at Rachel, hoping that she saw it too, wondering what was going on with the world. After spending some time up at the castle, I decided that I really needed to take some meds, because my head was killing me. So we went down to the city and Rachel came with me to go to my room while Hannah and her uncle went to eat.
Rachel made some spicy soup and I ate a sandwich, and after a while we were getting ready to go to Top Ten! We got dressed at Rachel's, but had to meet back at my place to meet Helina and Hannah. After a little bit of miscommunication we found Helina and then headed off to Top 10. We walked all the way to one of the girls' house, who is in our course, before heading to the club itself. When we got there, there were bouncers saying "Ausweiss", which is identification. We tried to show him our student ISIC cards, and our Tübingen University cards, but he wanted driver's licenses, which we did not have on us. Everyone got in except me, Hannah, and Rachel. We decided that we were going to run back to our rooms to get them, and and so our night began.
We walked all the way to the Altstadt. Hannah separated to get her ID, I went to my room to get mine and to get Rachel her keys, so that she could go get her ID, and then we were all going to meet on the bridge. I got my ID, went to the bridge, met Hannah, and then waited for Rachel to arrive. While we were waiting, a girl about our age walked up to us and asked us in German if we knew the best way to get to Top 10. Hannah proceeded to tell her in German, but then got stuck on the word for "train tracks", so the girl asked "Are you Americans?"....
ERRRRRR! Giant buzzer in the sky went off on that one.
After that interaction, we met back up with Rachel, and made our way back into Top 10. We made it all the way there, and found that we had to wait in line outside the club before we could get in. As we were waiting, there were two German girls behind us who kept on hitting us with their bags. They were super annoying, to the point where it was suggested that I go all American on them! I figure I'd ramble on for a while in English, and maybe add some choice words in there, but before long we were at the door and this time we made it in!
As we were walking up the stairs, however, my shoe went out from under me. I slipped, tripped down a couple steps, face plated into the steps in front of me, hit my left knee and my right thigh hard, scraped up my elbow and landed funny on my right wrist and my left hand. Physical and emotional pain. I was so embarrassed. Not only that, but my phone fell and broke into pieces, along with all my cards that went all over the steps. Hannah and Rachel helped me pick up all of my stuff, and then we quickly recuperated at the top of the stairs. Now I was perfectly sober when I was walking up those stairs, but everyone else must have thought that I was a raging alcoholic who could not even wait to get into the club before being completely drunk, as I could not even walk up stairs. I assure you, general public of German, it was pure clumsiness.
We got inside, and the first group that we saw was our rather large group from Deutsche-Kompakt dancing on the stage made only for a small group of people. They had started without us, but before long we were getting in on the fun and we danced the night away!

 Yes, thank you J Lo.
After the club, we all walked back and I have to say that we all had a really good time!

 This, according to Zach, is the boat that me and him were in (the one that sprung a leak, and that we needed a tampon like in the commercial to plug it up), while the others were on the cruise ship with a nice buffet.
Today I woke up really really sore and it is no wonder. I woke up this morning to my knees looking like this:
*Picture to come*
And I am now wearing my wrist brace, because of my little fall.

Today everyone was tired in our course, because they were all out late partying. We spent the day doing projects and practicing grammar. Now I am sitting in my room blogging at about 4:30pm here, as I am waiting for Rachel to come as we are all going to meet at my house tonight for dinner. I definitely just need a day of relaxing after the night I had.

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