One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Picnics Galore

Today I woke up and got breakfast with Hannah and Rachel, and we ate on the steps of the church in the main market place. We then knew that we had to call the Hausmeister to get him to sign some papers for our rooms in order to officially live in our rooms. Rachel was the brave one and called first. One by one, we talked to him on my phone and spoke in broken German to try and explain what we needed from him. Eventually we got the point across, and we figured the whole situation out!
We then went to Mueller to go and get some more things that we needed for our rooms, and we were just bored and decided to browse some shops!
Here's just some of what we found at Mueller:
Finally found that giant chalk for Jenna... oh wait, this is in Germany.

Hannah found a nice unicorn backpack that was very tempting!

Me and Dobby. We're best friends. No big deal. ((Don't really know why this was here, and to be honest it was sort of freaky))

Here Matt! Pow Pow Pow Ow Ow Ow!

Ken with his Boyfriend shirt on.

LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!!!! Somewhere in the world, I know that Bubby felt the sudden feeling that all was just in the world when I found this game and picked it up.
Thought of home when I saw this, so I had to take a picture of it!
After Mueller we went to a Cafe-type place where Hannah got a smoothie and I finished drinking my ice tea of the day. It was really sunny though, and Rachel needed to run back to get her sunglasses before meeting up with Jake and Zach to have lunch down by the river!
We ran back to Hannah's and then met Zach and Jake, after much difficulty as our phones were not getting reception for a while there, to buy bread and lunch meat for our picnic lunch. We got everything we needed, left for the Neckar River and picked a spot to sit and eat. It was a pretty good, and cheap, lunch! It was nice to relax by the river, minus all of the bees that kept buzzing around. Surprisingly, the bees sought out the lunch meat and the bread before the Nutella that we had bought. Stupid bees.
After lunch we stopped in the gummy bear store and purchased some gummies.
We then dropped Hannah off at her place, as she was meeting some old family friends there. Then the rest of us went to buy some candy with the money that we got back from returning our bottles!
Then it was off to the Schloss (castle). We had gone up the other day, and were going to try and take a different way up to the castle. But alas, we got lost again. We ended up walking too far in one direction, and actually passed up the castle entirely! So we had to backtrack and went through a pretty spiffy tunnel to get around to the right side of the castle before finding some pretty shady looking stairs that we presumed would lead us up to the castle. We decided to take the stairs up and see where it would take us.
The stairs never seemed to end. Zach and Rachel were up front, and I was in back with Jake while I was dying from all of the stairs! Who needs Pilates videos when I have Tübingen? I thought I was going to have an asthma attack, but luckily I made it through alright. We finally reached the stairs and made it to the castle. We were behind the back of the castle, overlooking a small courtyard where people could participate in archery, as we had seen the other day.
This is me after conquering the stairs!

Rachel seems pretty at ease!
We only stayed here for a minute or two, then we made our way up to a small courtyard where we could sit on the grass and lay in the sun or sit on a bench. So we had ourselves a candy picnic!
Here's everyone having their candy! (I was on the grass taking the picture).
Here is the view from the courtyard where we had our candy picnic!
We finished our picnic and then just laid out in the grass. After a while, Hannah joined us and then we decided to go and get something to eat. We found a place right next to Hannah's building that sold really cheap pizza and other foods, so we bought food there and went up to Hannah's to eat! While we were eating, we met one of Hannah's roommates, and she later let us borrow a German movie that we watched. But before we could watch the movie, Jake and Zach had to fix the TV, which, if you ask Hannah and Rachel, was more entertaining than any movie!
The movie was titled "keinohrhasen", and it was a pretty good movie that I would suggest to anyone who speaks German. The girl in the film was REALLY hard to understand though, because she spoke so fast, so we turned the German subtitles on!
After the movie, we all went our separate ways and now I am here blogging and waiting perhaps for someone to go on Skype so that I can wish them a Happy Birthday and a Happy Gotcha Day to someone else! (Everyone here wishes you both a Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day too!)
I may not blog until later tomorrow, we may be going out tomorrow night. We'll see!

Goodnight for now!

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