One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day Two!

The next day was hard waking up. We really all had nothing going for us. We met at my room and got breakfast, which got us chased by bees everywhere! We tried to buy phones, but the guy at the store told us that we had to have bank cards to get a phone. We walked just a little bit more around town before we decided to go back to Hannah's room. 
 Here is the view from Hannah's room:

When we got back to Hannah's room, I believe that some of the phrases going around were:
"Nothing to look forward to..."
"Why did we do this?..."
"Why did they do this to us?"

and my personal favorite,
"Dark Abyss".

Although, because Hannah had gotten internet, we found a way to meet up with Zach and Jake at one, and the whole day seemed to get better from there. We told them about our phone problems and they said that we just needed to go to another store and get one there, because the guy they talked to was so helpful, and they were able to get one easily. So we decided to go walk to the O2 store, where I bought a phone!
On the way to the store, however, everybody got iced teas at some tea shop where they were only one euro! I did not get one at first, but tried some of Rachel's and now I love them! We then went to lunch at the Neckar Mueller again, where Rachel and I split a humongous pretzel and I got a Coke, as carbonated water did not sound too appealing!
As we were sitting at the river, more bees came by, and one by one found themselves trapped under my Coke mug, which we had flipped upside down to catch them! We ended up catching about five of them under there. All I have to say is that I feel sorry for whatever worker had to pick up that mug when cleaning up... Sorry!
We walked around some more and took the guys to see each of our rooms. On the way we got a little lost, as we often did, but we found each room and also stumbled upon the Rathaus and the main square in town!
 The main fountain in the square was beautiful!

 Here it is again.

Here is the Rathaus! Soooo pretty!

We went to find the train station to look up how we could travel to IKEA and Stuttgart the next day.
On the way I saw some crazy buildings:
We ended up getting a little lost, again, but we eventually found our way to the Bahnhof (train station)! We bought an all day pass for the next day for the whole Baden-Wuertemburg area. Normally for this pass, individually, it would be about 20 Euros or so, but we got a group pass that was a total of 29 Euros, which we split.
We ended up going back to the Neckar Mueller where everyone, except me, got beers or wine. I was not feeling it after exhaustion, my aching everything from moving everyone in through the stone paved streets all day, and, of course, the jet lag.
As it got darker, we set a time to meet up the next day and said our goodbyes. Rachel and I walked Hannah home and then Rachel and I split at the Rathaus, which is fairly in the middle of our two dorms, and went off to our rooms.
When I got back to my room, I met the girl who lives next to me, who is actually somewhat like an RA here at Froschgasse. She asked if I needed anything, and I asked her about internet. We talked for a while, and she told me what I needed to do to get it, so that I could type for all of you wonderful people at home! She also complimented me on my German and said that I spoke German really well, which made me feel way more comfortable and confident about being here! She showed me where everything is including the shower, toilet, kitchen, kitchen cubbyholes, fridge (and my shelf in the fridge), garbage, and even the washer and dryer ( which is free to me!!! =] ). She then said that if I needed anything else that I should just knock on her door! I feel way better now knowing that someone can help me and is willing to listen to my somewhat simple German. All I have to say at this point is that the people here are so nice and are willing to help. I only wish that so many people would not switch to English when we talk to them, because it makes us really feel like failures when we have to switch back to English!

That was all for Day Two, except for the fact that all night long I was tossing and turning because I was in so much pain from walking on the stone streets and up so many hills!!! Man, I will either be in really good shape, or completely broken by the time I am ready to come home. Hopefully its the former not the latter!

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Bud said to try the Liver Noodles -- better than they sound. He said they are very colorful and very delicious!!!
