One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Where Did the Day Go?

Last night I set my alarm to wake up at 9:30 so that I could get a good start on my studying for my final on Tuesday. Unfortunately, my body decided to keep me up all night with a stuffy nose, so I slept until 11:30 instead. (Both a positive and a negative I guess). After that, I called Hannah and met her at the bank so that we could transfer money to the university account so that we can take classes this semester! Instead of paying for the courses, we have to pay only the 63,50 for the Uni Tuebingen, and then tuition for Valpo on top of that (including all of the fees for those extra-curricular activities that we are not participating in... you know, because we're in another country).  After going to the bank, we bought some food to make for lunch and dinner and we headed back to my room to meet with Rachel and Helina to finish making arrangements for Paris! It's slowly creeping up on us, and we still had yet to book a hostel! They met us at 1:00, and then we eventually finished booking our hostel! One more thing out of the way. After an hour or two, Rachel went home to go back to sleep, and Helina and Hannah stayed to hang out for a while.
Well, a while turned into like 9 hours. I really did not mind at all, I had a fun day that would have otherwise been spent studying! I figure, that although the day went fast, we spent it well!

We were planning on going to see a movie at the theater at 6pm, but then decided, when Jake came bearing "The Help", that we would eat dinner and then watch that movie instead! So after dinner, I went to my room to find that my mom was Skyping me. I quickly answered it while Helina made dinner, as she hadn't had any food before and ran to the store after we all ate so she could get something. After I Skyped quickly, I went back to my kitchen to find Hannah, Jake, and Helina listening to my German roommates' CD of show-tunes and numbers from musicals. I walked in and got a taste of the magic, which included these songs! (See if you know them!)

Good times!

So after that, we watched the movie "The Help", which was amazing! Seriously a good movie and worthy of the awards it is nominated for! Made me tear up quite a bit. 
Everyone left after the movie, with plans to go and see the movie "The Artist" tomorrow morning before I buckle down and study with Helina for the final we have on Tuesday. Here is a the trailer for the movie:
 Hopefully it's as good as it's supposed to be! We'll see now won't we!

Well, unless I decide to blog about that movie as well, I am not sure if I will blog before I am done with my finals and can go and do something more exciting. I have just two finals left, and then I am planning on going somewhere, perhaps Baden-Baden, with Hannah and the other girl we met through the DAAD, Yanalte.
So until then, I say: Auf Wiedersehen!

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