One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Faschings Parade

I forgot that today I was going to a parade for Fasching! We were invited to go to a parade in the next town by Hannah's family friends that live in Reutlingen. So here's what you need to know that the pictures, captions, and one video won't tell you:
  • The trains were really crowded. I'm talking packed to the doors with people.
  • It was really cold. My joints were killing me and I couldn't feel my feet by the end of it.
  • The parade was really long. I don't know exactly how long it was, but there were some 90 groups that went by. 
  • Everyone stands. Although similar to Fourth of July parades at home, nobody brings chairs or anything, but instead stand or stay in their homes and just watch from their windows.

We had to pay to get through the barricade, and they gave us creepy clown pins and a list of all the participants in the parade.

While standing in line with Jake while he got food, I admired the banners!

After a while, the parade began.

Oh, look at those costumes!

They had a queen on that "float", which was pulled by horses.

They had all sorts of little wagons. They even pulled children that were in the parade in decorated wagons.

Ah, the witches. These Hexen (witches in German) are very mischievous. They like to pull many pranks.
 The pranks they like to pull:
  • They like to steal hairbands and scrunchies.
  • They paint on peoples faces or heads if they are bald.
  • They steal blond haired girls and place them in confetti or hay or grains or something, and then the girls have to make their way back.
  • They hit you with things.
  • They offer you candy, especially to children, and then pull it away at the last second.
  • They steal your hats and put them on other people or just through them into the air and make you catch them.
I know what you're probably thinking, because I thought it too: This whole Fasching thing seems like it's just an excuse for people to be jerks and mess with people. Pretty much. But it's always entertaining to watch.
Here is a young blond girl that was taken and placed in confetti. They like to make sure it gets in your hair.

They were shooting confetti out of this.

After the confetti attack.

This cannon was used, by the horrifying clowns here, to shoot confetti into open windows of people in their homes watching the parade. They were pretty good aims actually.

A clown riding on a horse. Lovely.

It's the swan marching band.

And here is where the scary masks started.
The people dressed up in the parade would have bells on them, and then when they hopped, they would jingle. You were supposed to jump along with them or they would get-cha!

Some devil looking things.

Also, you should know that on those sticks are sheep stomachs. And they use those sheep stomachs to hit people with. So watch out!

There was a lot of candy being passed out.

They all carried little signs to tell everyone who they are and where they are from.

More decorative costumes.

It's the CIRCLE OF LIFE!!!

Go green for these guys.

More Hexen.

These guys were affiliated with beans!

There were also a lot of pyramids being made at this event!

Ta dah!

Now get him down, before the whole thing collapses!


This girl was snatched up and was taken a ways before he put her down.

This guy was very colorful, and very passionate about banging that drum!

They would pose for you if they saw you were taking a picture.

He was just about to hit someone with his stomach on a stick.

Hey look, donkeys!

This poor girl got hay in the hair at least twice during the parade!

There were lots of scary devil masks.

The pigs were there!

These guys walked through the parade twice! But they were colorful and seemed real excited to dance!


LOOK LOOK!!! I'M NOT CRAZY!!! THEY STOLE SOMEONE!!! I was so glad it wasn't me! That is like my worst nightmare!

At first I thought this witch was supposed to be flying, but then she was backwards.

Then I realized that it was a giant see-saw!

Another person was snatched up.

The neanderthals and their wooly mammoth of a float.

The mouth of this float opened up when the engine roared. It was really cool.

The announcers of the parade got a lot of confetti shot up at them. Including confetti from the castle float here.

Everyone, meet my new friend Jack.

Another girl taken. Seems like a dangerous place to be for a blond. Why did I go to this thing again?

Ugly witches.

Fun, dancing, colorful witches.


Or pigeons?


He's rockin' that blue hair!

Another pyramid!

Almost there...


Pirates playing fifes... or at least I think that's what they were.

Honey badger don't give a poop.

This poor bald guy got a flower painted on his balding head by a badger. What a story.

This one looked like the worst! They put this girl in the tub, and the faster they pushed the cart, the faster the tub spun. Ugh. That looked like it was not fun, at all.

More banners and parade watchers!

The last picture I took for the day.
Well, for real now... this is my last post, as I am hopping on a train tonight for Paris! I look forward to telling you all the stories of my trip! Let's hope their good ones!

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