One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On the Frozen Neckar

This past week, it got so cold that the Neckar actually froze to the point of where people could walk on it! So this past Sunday, after spending too much time in my room, I went out in search of something to do outside (before I knew that the river had frozen) and much to my surprise, I found myself walking on water.

All the Germans were on the bridge taking pictures of the people on the ice!

My view from the river.

Everyone seemed to be out there today!

The people could go as far as the bridge, and then I saw that there were people on the other side of the bridge too, just not under it!

Me! Standing on water!
The rest of my Sunday was spent helping Hannah procrastinate, and then later Helina and Hannah came over to watch a movie! We watched Twilight, and had a good laugh!

Yesterday, Monday, I went to Mueller to get some supplies, because Hannah, Rachel, Helina, and I were going to have a girls night! We decided that we would watch the ab-ilicous sequel: New Moon. Again, a good laugh was had by all. It was a good night!

Today, Hannah sent out a text to anyone who would want to go to see if the Neckar was still frozen, as she did not get to walk on it the other day. So I said that if she wanted to meet me in the bookstore, I'd go with. I wanted to look for a book that I need for my class that I'm starting next semester. But I couldn't find it. So we headed to the Neckar, only to find that it wasn't quite cold enough, and the river was not frozen enough to walk on. But we still got some good pictures in the large flakes!
Some older man and these two kids, decided that it would be fun to feed the pigeons. Well, they just swarmed after that point.

Thank you German government for placing this sign up so that I know that I should watch out, not walk on the ice, and that it's "dangerous to my life".


Hannah placing Simba in a tree. She needed a picture with him for her blog: Travels with Simba!

Hannah and Simba are sad that the river wasn't frozen. =[

I was seeing how the hood looked up, but then I realized it made me look bald.


Max marked his territory... whoever he is.

 By the way, Happy Valentine's Day! I went to the store and bought some drinks for tonight, as I am celebrating Singles Awareness Day with Jake and later Hannah. When I went to get the drinks, the lady at the register asked for my ID, so I gave her the only ID I had with my birthday on it, my Illinois driver's license. She looked at it, and then said quite plainly, "I don't understand any of this". I had to point out my birthday. I was pretty funny. And I did feel bad that I didn't have a German form of identification.

That's pretty much it for me. I wish you all a lovely Valentine's Day.

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