One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thank You for Bruising My Leg Random German Man on the Street

So I woke up this morning, after a long evening and night of studying for my big Abschluss Test (final for the course). I woke up within ten minutes to having to leave, so I had to hurry up and get ready fast. I made it with time to spare, and soon found myself with a blank test in front of me. We had the entire time to work on our tests, and when we were done with our tests we had two options:
1. Take a small break before coming back to work on our essays, or
2. Work on through.
I was the first to finish my test, and I am not entirely sure that that is a good sign, but it always gets to a point where I cannot do any more on a test, and feel that I am done. I then turned in my test and chose to work on through with my essay. I figured that I was in German mode, so I might as well stay that way!
I finished up before long, and was out the door and down on the street. I met up with Hannah and Rachel eventually and we made a quick stop at Edeka before heading back to my place for a bit. We then decided to run out and shop around a little bit, as we were going to meet up with Zach, Jake, and Helina later on for our trip that we decided to take.

So, let me explain. As our university classes don't actually start until after the 17th for the most part, we have decided to travel in our few days that we have a break. For about four days, we are going to take a trip somewhere, but we don't know where yet. There is a program with German Wings where you book and randomly get to fly to one of several locations. The thing is, you don't know where you're going until you buy the tickets, it's called Blind Booking. It's sixty Euro round-trip, which is really reasonable considering where we could end up. Here are the places that we may end up at:
1. Barcelona
2. London
3. Berlin
4. Lisbon
5. Vienna
6. Rome

Here's the link for it:
We are leaving from Stuttgart and are doing the Metropolis Western Europe option.
We have decided, as it is an option, to eliminate London for now, as it is more expensive to stay there versus the other places, and we all plan on going to London at some time anyway! For every place you eliminate, it costs an extra five Euros, which gives you more incentive to let chance decide.
I'm super excited for this trip, and I know we're going to have a lot of fun! After a lot of arguing amongst ourselves, and after asking a few other people if they wanted to come, it ended up just being the five of us from Valpo and Helina.

So, anyway...

After we stopped in one shop, we decided to go and eat at the Mensa. We called Helina and she met us there. While I was getting my food, I asked for the Schnitzel, but when she asked me something back I didn't hear her, so naturally I just said yes.... DUMB. She apparently asked if I wanted sauce, which was a pepper sauce to top the Schnitzel. So I had a peppery sauced Schnitzel today for lunch, luckily it was not spicy or I probably would not be feeling to great right now.
After lunch, we decided to go into Butlers across the street, which is a store that is sort of like a Pier One Imports mixed with Bed, Bath, and Beyond, mixed with a Christmas store. It had all sorts of junk in there, but good junk, high quality junk. I got a nice smelling candle, which smells like Vanilla, for my room (which I am currently burning). Rachel and Hannah bought candles too, but Rachel especially saw something that she wanted.
It was a glittery albino squirrel holding a pine cone... because who DOESN'T want one of those for there room! So if you ever get Rachel in Secret Santa, just buy her a sparkly squirrel and she'll be perfectly happy.
After Butlers we ran to Netto-Markt (or Ghetto-Markt as Rachel so affectionately called it), and then I bought a candle holder for my new candle at a store near my place. We then went back up to my room, where we all met up to discuss our trip. We are going to buy our tickets tomorrow, so when I know where we're going, I will post it up.
After a while we met up with Helena and we all walked to Butlers one more time before heading to Mueller.
As we were walking there, however, I had quite a mishap with a man and a briefcase/musical instrument case. As I was walking, there was a young guy in front of me, and I saw that he got hit by some guy's case walking in the opposite direction. DIRECTLY after he got hit, the case swung and hit me square in the thigh! Hannah said that it made quite a sound. It hurt so bad, that I screamed out in pain... I may have used a few choice words... and then the guy in front of me turned around and gave a dirty look (I believe that it was to the guy who had hit him). I think it was mostly the shock of being hit square in the leg, without receiving an apology of any sort, but my leg really hurt and I started to half-laugh/half-cry as we were walking down the street. I literally had tears running down my face, but I was also cracking up at the hilarity of being smacked by some guy's briefcase (this is what we'll call it) right square in the leg. My legs are still bruised up from falling up the stairs that one night, but now I fear my left leg will now be bruised from where I was hit. Hannah, the whole way to Mueller, could not stop laughing. Everyone else, did not have as good an idea of what had happened, but just saw the guy's face and heard me swear in pain, and then crack up/cry. So overall, it was quite a walk to Mueller.
Once there, I bought some more candles, for when it's winter, and I just need something Christmas-y and warming. I also bought a holder for my toothbrush! Wahoo!
Afterwards, we met up with some other people from the course, and went to dinner. I left early and headed back to my room. I skyped tonight for a while with my family, but the main reason I wanted to go back early was because my foot was killing me. I am not sure what I did to my foot, but it hurts really bad when I walk on it, and now even when I bend it a certain way. I am thinking that I may need to go to the doctor here, and I am not looking forward to that broken German conversation, in which I look like the dumb American who cannot speak the language of the country in which I am currently living.
Tomorrow morning we are buying our tickets, having a group breakfast with our course, and are heading to Stuttgart to go to the Opera there!
I hope that I don't further injure myself, as I think that my body may break down if it receives any more damage.
I will post again when I can, hopefully tomorrow! Good night for now, as I have to wake up early tomorrow!

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