One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Problems with the Post

After a typical morning, during our lunch break, we all ran to go get our student bus passes at the information center. I am now mobile! This pass is good from now until March, which is really good considering how much I paid for it. We bought our tickets without any problems, which our tutor said was a little unusual, because we did not have the official form that was usually required. After we went back and finished our last Tutorium, which I felt really bad about, because on this particular day, a lot of people were really being lazy and not trying very hard, and were even late to class. She must have thought we were so dumb, so I felt pretty bad about this being her last class with us. After Tutorium, we went shopping a little bit at H&M, but I did not stay out long, as I had a headache that was growing every minute. I said goodbye, headed back to my place, started my laundry, took a shower, and read Pride and Prejudice (which I finished!!!). All in all, it was not a very exciting day, but was very productive.
The next day brought a little more excitement (some other word might be better here, but I do not know the best one for it). Today's lecture was spent practicing and preparing for our big final tomorrow. I am not so sure that I am ready for it as of yet, but I have the whole rest of the night. We had no Tutorium, but had the afternoon free. I ran back to Froschgasse, while the others went to the Mensa to eat. When I checked my mail, I found that I had received a package, but that since I was not there, it was received by a shop down the street from me. I picked up my package, which is a Casablanca poster, and set off to the Markt am Nonnenhaus to buy a package to send some stuff home in. I bought myself a package, which I have no idea how to put together so that it will hold it's contents without dropping them when it is turned sideways. As I was walking up to my building, I saw that a package was being delivered to my building by the DHL (similar to UPS or FedEx). I figured that it was probably for one of the American's living in my building, so I sort of waited until the guy asked if I knew the person. Sure enough, it was for Adam, who lived a floor above me. I asked if I could sign for it, and he said I could, except that someone had to pay for it to be received. I then said that I would try and get a hold of someone. I tried calling everyone, but no one picked up. I told them that nobody answered, and he said that I could just pay for it, and give Adam the receipt. So I agreed. I began to get out my wallet, and the guy asked me if I spoke French, as he spoke French, and if I was a student.
(Forgot to mention that this guy was like a 50 year old dude!)
I told him that I spoke English, and that I was an exchange student. He asked where I was from, and I said near Chicago. He then asked if he could come visit me. I thought that he was joking, so I joked back "Vielleicht haha". He then looked at me again and asked if he could come visit me, and he kept asking. I had no idea what to say, and I just wanted to get inside my building at this point. He had written down a number on the receipt, for what I at first thought was for Adam if he needed to contact DHL for any reason, but then he said, as I was backing slowly into my building, that I should call him.....

He handed me the receipt and left. I then went up to my room, completely grossed out, and a little amazed at the bluntness of this guy. Ew. Ew. Ew. Creepy old DHL guy. I want to know what about this situation gave him the idea that it was okay to invite yourself to come and visit me in a foreign country and to give out your cell phone number.... I don't think I'll ever understand.

I called Adam after that and told him what had happened. He laughed and said that he would stop at the bank before heading back to the building to pick it up so that he could pay me back.
All I have to say now, is that I am dreading when my package from my mom will come, because I hope this guy will not be the one to deliver it!! Ahh!

So, now I am studying for my German test tomorrow. I have the whole night to recoup from my little mishap with a little grammar and vocabulary.  Tomorrow will likely be a bit of a boring day, so I probably won't post, as on Friday we are going to an opera in Stuttgart, which is bound to be more exciting. But who knows, I could find that my building starts up in flames, and as I am receiving the ash covered bits of what remains of my possessions, one of the city workers could come up to me and invite himself to stay with me in Chicago.

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