One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pre-Departure Happenings

So as all of you know, we are going to Vienna tomorrow! We bought our tickets, and are heading out with the bus tomorrow at 12:30 to Stuttgart to catch our plane to Vienna.
Today also happened to be Zach's birthday! This morning I woke up, hung out in my room for a little bit, and then got a call from Hannah saying that we were going to meet at the Mensa to eat. We met up there, ended up eating on the Neckar Island with Zach, Jake, Rachel, and Clara (who is from Germany but studied in Valpo last year). Afterwards, we headed to the park to meet up with Helena. We found Helena, and she was talking to an older man with a long white beard, long hair, and socks with sandals. She looked like she needed to be saved, so Jake ever so graciously held up his arm, pointed at his watch, and yelled out her name. She then excused herself, came over to us, and thanked us, saying that he had been talking to her for an hour and a half. He talked to her about German history and books. She said that she now knew all about one specific book, and that she would never have to read it. 
After sitting in the park for a bit, we all split up and I headed back to my building, where I found that a package had come for me. I was unfortunately not there at the time, so I had to chase down my package in the truck down the street. I took it home, opened it, and found all sorts of goodies:
Goldfish, tape, pictures, a blanket, a replacement pair of jeans, a water bottle, pencils, you get the idea.

Surprise! GOLDFISH!
I was super happy!

Me enjoying my crackers.
This probably made my day! I would say week, but am not sure how Goldfish compare Vienna. But I love them so much, that I am giving them their own day, so the Goldfish definitely made my day! I had a little taste of home today! Thanks Mommy!

After opening up my package, I did some laundry, took a nap, ate dinner, and then headed to Hannah's. Everyone who was going on the trip met up at Hannah's, and we figured out what we still owed and what time our bus was going to come the next day.
After that, we headed out to party for Zach's birthday with some people from our German course!
Here we all are! It was a lot of fun!
I am now in my room, procrastinating packing and doing laundry. I am hoping that all my clothes for four days will fit into my backpack, but I think I can make it work! The tricky part is not bringing any liquids on the plane. I am going to have to go buy some small bottles of travel things before we leave tomorrow!

I am going to go pack now...maybe...I really I guess I will...ugh...
After I pack, it is straight off to bed for me, and then off to Vienna tomorrow! I am looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all! I hope that nothing terrible happens on this trip, lord knows I can't afford to lose any more jeans! I will take lots of pictures (I should probably charge my camera tonight!), and I will post when I get back! Until next week! Ah!!!!! 

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