One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dancing on Tables and Mysteries Revealed

So first of all, I would like to tell you all that our mystery trip has been booked, and therefore is no longer a mystery. We are going to Vienna!!! We leave Wednesday at 2pm and then come back in the weekend sometime. I did not actually participate in the booking, so I do not know all of the details, because I am quite sickly today.

So anyway, yesterday was quite an eventful day. We caught the train to go to Reutlingen to meet up with the other Valpo students studying there and our Professor from Valpo who is living in Reutlingen for two years. We all met up at the Reutlingen Hauptbahnhof and made our way to Stuttgart from there.
Cranky Zach on the train, but we still love him!
We had fun seeing the other group, but once we got there, all of us from Tuebingen split into a group and all of the students from Reutlingen seemed to split off.
We walked around for a while, just checking out the different little stalls.
Crazy roller coaster outside the tent where we would be eating.

Ferris Wheel!

Rachel and Molly with their cotton candy!

Molly loves her Egyptian art!

Ich Liebe Dich!

Love the juxtaposition on this one. Look at the two shops! The lady in the middle there looks torn.

This guy was scaring children outside the haunted house.

They had corn!! I did not get any though!
What does American Ice Cream taste like?... FREEDOM!

They also had a giant hamburger! I'm proud to be an American... well maybe not today.

One of the other beer "tents".

The other Ferris Wheel, and some crazy spinny rides.

Climb every mountain... Well maybe just enjoy the beautiful fake scenery on this one.

Beautiful decorations, but spoiled by man smoking.

Little decorations were even placed on the roofs!

I think this was a giant Maß, but I'm not entirely sure...

We split off about the time that we took a ride on the Ferris Wheel.
Me freaking out a little bit as we were heading up to the top!
Still freaked out!

Hannah was freaked out too!

The view from our cabin!

Looking over Stuttgart.

Here's the fest, they had all sorts of roller coasters!

Hannah was a little more easy at this point in time.
Apparently when I found my courage, I also found my creepiness!
We then met back up with everyone else after walking around for a while and then made our way into the tent where we were going to have dinner!
We had a hard time ordering drinks and dinner, but after the waitress loathing us for a while we got all our food and drinks.
The played music, consisting of German and American hits, and we had a great time. The Reutlingers were the first to make their way up onto the tables of our group, but before long we found ourselves up there as well. 

Here was our tent!

Jake found this with his last name on it!

Hannah and her Maß
Hannah and Zach. Poor Zach was pretty miserable, he already didn't feel good and he couldn't have any beer.

Dr. Malchow!

Stephanie Volz bought herself a chicken hat.

The group with their Maßes.

Me and my Maß of beer.

Me and Rachel!
Group shot of everyone from Valpo!

It was really busy!

Hannah had a lot of lederhosen butts behind her, which she liked until one of those butts spilled their Maß of beer down her back!

Stephanie had a wig for her chicken hat.

Jake making a dent in his Maß.

I was cracking up at having my picture taken a bit.
At this point, Jake was serenading me! Haha

I just love this picture! I feel like it depicts our relationship so well Jake haha!

All of us dancing on the tables.

During one of the songs, maybe it was Mambo Number 5.
 They kept asking for this song to be played... I don't understand it!

 Schatzi schenkt mir ein Foto. Schenkt mir ein Foto von dir!
I thought of my Papa Moe and of course Uncle Dub when I heard this song! They always call me Schatzi! This one's for you guys!
When seven rolled around, we set off for the train station while the Reutlingen students stayed longer to party it out in the tent.
Everything was so pretty lit up at night!
When we got back to Tuebingen, we went to Zach's room. I then realized that I did not blow out my candle that morning, so I left early to go to Froschgasse. Luckily Froschgasse did not burn down! I blew out my candle and headed off to bed. 

I woke up this morning and had to register for my German course early in the morning. After we registered, I went with Zach and we found where our Theology class was (we thought that it started today). After about ten to fifteen minutes, we realized that it started next week not this week. We then left and met up with the others for lunch. I have been feeling sick all day. I don't know why, but I have been getting sick and have had an upset stomach all day. It is probably stress, but I am in for the night  now because I feel so bad.

Everyone else is currently at Hannah's making plans for our trip on Wednesday to Vienna. I am calling it an early night and plan on sleeping a lot!

Good night for now!

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