One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's as if Life Said, "Let's Kick Her While She's Down"

So I had a long post yesterday, but feel the need to post again today.
Today I had two classes. The first was theology again, and the second was Comparative Politics in Developing Countries. I have only fifteen minutes in between the two classes, so I have to book it right when theology gets out. The only problem was I had no idea how to get there. I woke up this morning after a night of no sleep, because I am sick, and set out early to try and find my building from my theology building. First of all, the streets here are only marked like once down the whole street, so unless you happen to be crossing that one street sign on that one corner, you're pretty much screwed. So I set out in search of the building following the instructions that Mapquest gave me. I got a little lost, and had to turn around. I did manage to find another Hidden Kirby though:
This Kirby is the foreshadowing of the rest of my day.
After I turned around, I eventually found where Mapquest told me to go. It was, of course up a hill. The directions told me to go up a hill, turn right, turn right again, so that I was just on the other side of the building that I had started from (my theology building). From there I was supposed to walk down this long street. But before I figured out that Mapquest was stupid and gave me the most idiotic directions ever, I climbed a freaking hill and ended up at the clinics in Tuebingen, which are practically in the middle of no where. I found the street that would take me to my building later in the day, and from there (all warm and sweaty already) I headed to my theology class, prepared not to understand any of it. I sat way up in front today, and recorded it on my iPod, and I understood maybe a little more, but still was totally lost! Yesterday, after my theology class, I was determined to work hard and be prepared so I ordered the books that I needed to have... OR I should say, the books I thought I needed. I found out that I ordered two of the wrong books, and instead of having to order the two, I just needed to order one book that costs about one-third of what these two cost me. GRR! So, after sending emails to the sellers during my break, I sat through another hour of theology only understanding words and phrases, and looking to Zach's notes while he looked at mine. 12:00 rolled around, and I had to run to my politics class. I made it there alright, with time to spare, so stupid me thought that I was in the clear. I did not realize, though, that I had no idea where the classroom was. Once in the building, I started walking up some stairs, but then realized that I was going the wrong way, so I quickly turned around. Well, I turned around too quickly, landed on the side of my foot, fell down the stairs, hit the door and hit the ground. As if this wasn't bad enough, some girl was trying to open the door when I fell, so after I fell (said a bad word or two), she looked surprised, opened the door more, and saw me on the ground. She thought she had knocked me over!!!! Oh god. It was bad. I then stood up, realized that my ankle was killing me and that I couldn't stand on it without pain surging through my foot, and assured her that I was alright while I limped off in the other direction. Now there is some German girl out there who thinks that she just knocks down stupid Americans. Oh god, oh god. I found my way to my class, regaled my stories of idiocy to Helina, who is in the same class, and sat through two hours of politics with a swollen ankle and about to cry from the pain. After class, I limped home quite pathetically, and have been keeping my foot up while I have been sitting at my desk. Tomorrow I have to go to Reutlingen in the morning, and then I have an English class at night. The only way that tomorrow could get any worse would be for me to get hit by a bus. I am already sick and am now injured, so I just can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Maybe the Germans will kick me out of their country...

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