One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Long Weekend

On Sunday, I spent the morning in my room, napping and reading. It was really nice just to relax for a day. 
I've been reading Pride and Prejudice, and when I'm done, I'm going to watch the movie, because I bought it here. Here is Stolz und Vorurteil:

Oh lovely German dubbing. I feel that we will be fast friends by the end of this year...

After a while, though, Hannah and Jake stopped by and we made our way to Hannah's place. When we got there, Adam, one of the other Americans in our course, came to Hannah's too. He got a call from one of his German friends from his University and we were all invited to go on a Stocherkahn ride, as his friends' fraternity had a Stocherkahn for them to use.
For those of you that don't know what a Stocherkahn is, they are very well known in Tuebingen, and are pushed along by these long sticks along the river. Here is a picture of one:
I actually Googled "Stocherkahn" and it gave me a picture from Tuebingen.
Here are some of the pictures that I stole from Jake!
This sign can be translated to: "Beware, Children".. but probably means more like "Watch out for Children"... The former is more fun though!

Pictures from our ride.

All pictures from the ride, I stole from Jake, so all credit to him!

Stocherkahn on the Neckar. CHECK.
Just one more thing that I can say I've done while here in Tuebingen.

After the Stocherkahn ride, we split up for a little bit before meeting at Froschgasse for a while. We then resolved to head out in search of a bar, as the German bars had many DJs and deals for their Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Day of Germany Unity). We set out, but did not stay out long, as everywhere was just too crowded, and we were all a little exhausted. I headed back to my room and read a little more before going to sleep.

I woke up this morning, headed to the bakery to get some breakfast, and then read a little before falling asleep for about two hours. When I woke up, there were two men playing both an accordion and a guitar outside my window. I took the opportunity to enjoy the music and read. I feel so relaxed after these past two days of breaking and just reading and sleeping. After a while, I made myself dinner, and had a whole bowl of peas, because they are cheap and come in a large bag. After dinner, I found Christina online, and skyped with her for a while. I feel bad, but I needed to vent a little bit, and she gladly listened! She helped me put together a list of DVDs that I want to be brought with when my brother comes to visit in November, which I am really excited about!! 
I will be skyping a little later with Matt and Jenna, as I have not seen them in a really long time! They are probably the hardest thing about being abroad, because I am so used to watching them practically every day. Sometimes I talk about them here, and have to stop myself, because I get the sense that I am talking about them too much and that nobody wants to hear it. 
So I will be seeing them soon, and they better not taunt me further by eating goldfish in front of me on Skype. They seem to like to eat goldfish, as I can not find them here, and drink cold water without bubbles, as I miss that too, just to spite me. But hey, that's what a little brother and sister are supposed to do I guess.
On Skype, Matt made faces at himself and Jenna read me two books to me: Fright Night Flight and Five Little Monkeys.

She started reading "The Littlest Pumpkin", but the pages were falling out so she switched!

She even showed me the pictures!

Fright Night Flight was a tongue twister, so she needed some help.

Jenna started to use voices at this point!

Christina was cracking up at the old lady voice that the mom got in the story!
There was also one point, where Matt held a Pokeball to the camera and yelled, "Emily, return!"... to which I replied, "If only it worked like that." It was super adorable and both Matt and Jenna definitely made my night!

I will blog again soon. It's going to be a busy week.

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