One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Waiting for Public Transportation: Reutlingen

Wow I forgot what the last day that I posted was. It's been a while. The weekend came and went in no time at all. After doing practically nothing on either Friday and Saturday, I decided to do something on Sunday. Therefore, I decided to wake up early and go for a little walk. My walk to me to the Neckar Insel, on which I had never walked all the way down to the end before. It was beautiful, and because it was so spectacular, I took some pictures!

The Neckar is really showing its' true colors here in Fall!

My journey ahead of me. It was quite a wondrous path to walk down!

Halfway down the path, I found this guy.

I decided to take a side path while walking back!

Thought I would brighten things up and add just a little more color to my path!

It was such a pretty day! They were even still giving Stocherkahn rides!

The end of my walk where I took the picture of the Neckar going in the other direction.

What a great way to start a day!
 Unfortunately, my day stopped being eventful at that point, but I had the whole week ahead of me.
Monday I did not wake up to my alarm, and woke up too late to go to class. I then made the decision to go to Reutlingen for the day. I was determined to find where the Toys R Us in Reutlingen was, as there was also a lot of other shopping right around it. So I set off for the train, waited a little, got on, arrived in Reutlingen, found my bus stop, and waited some more. It really seemed like my whole day was spent waiting for public transportation to arrive. When I finally got on, I tried to remember which way the bus was going, in case I got completely lost and had to make my way back on foot like in Boeblingen (stupid Boeblingen), but I soon found that it was too far to walk back, and had no idea where I was going with the bus. When I got off, I was a little more encouraged, because I saw some bigger stores and signs that pointed to the direction. I started walking off in the direction that the sign was pointing me to, but could not find the building. You would think a giant toy store would be easy to find. After getting turned around several times, I finally forced myself to think it through based on my directions, and I soon found the Toys R Us. I felt that I had succeeded. I did not actually get anything, but the fact that I found it was a major accomplishment I believe (and it also did not cost me a cent!). I made my way back to the bus stop, at which I had checked the times before heading off to find the store. Just as I was walking up to the stop light to wait for the signal to cross, the bus zoomed off and left me in the dust. I had to wait another twenty minutes before the next bus came, but was entertained (not so much) by a guy pacing in front of where I was standing... Ugh! Drove me crazy! He was making me so nervous, because he just kept pacing and pacing, back and forth! That wasn't going to help anything or make the bus come any faster. After a while, the bus did come and I found my way back to the central bus station. From there I walked and did a little shopping. I did not stay long, though, because my feet were killing me. So I made my way to the train station, had to wait another twenty minutes for a train, because I had just missed the one last one by 2 minutes, and made my way back to Tuebingen.
Today I had class, which I spent being drowned by the heat of the classroom and the perfume of the girl who sat next to me. Not a good combination. It was a very slow two hours. Afterwards, I caught a bus to go back to Froschgasse, and then decided to head out for a little bit before meeting up with Rachel to go to Reutlingen again today. We had a hard time catching each other at the right times, and kept missing each other, but eventually we got on the train to Reutlingen and were on a mission. Rachel needed a coat, and after getting side tracked at a few stores, we found her a 25 Euro alternative to the really expensive coat she was originally looking at. Mission accomplished!
Day two in Reutlingen is complete. Day three still continues to be a mystery. Yes, I am going back tomorrow to help Hannah find some boots, and may need to look for some myself. I'm going to be sick of Reutlingen by the time this week is out.
I have two classes tomorrow, though, so it's going to be a busy day. Not sure if I'll get to blog again soon, as I have a few visitors coming this week! Dougie and the Cool and Powerful Auntie Jen Jen (obligatory name) are coming to the good ole' Deutschland. It should be a lot of fun, and can't wait to blog about it! Until then!

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