One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Wine Tasting in Möblingen

The Brixners, whom I have mentioned before, set up a day trip for the Reutlingen and Tübingen students. The Brixners picked Hannah and me, as we were the only ones back in Tübingen at the time, up at the train station and then we met up with the Reutlingen students and Prof. Malchow to take a bus to Ludwigsburg. In Ludwigsburg, we got to take a tour of the palace there, but unfortunately could not take pictures inside.

The outside of the palace. Inside the courtyard.

All I have so say is that if one day I become rich, which will never happen as I am going to be a teacher, I WILL have secret doors in my house! Secret doors, and secret passageways! 

Anyway, enough with the crazy...

After the tour, we had some time for lunch. I was so excited to get to spend the day with my dear old roommate Amy, who is studying in Reutlingen this semester! We had lunch with Amy and another girl from Reutlingen at a cafe in the city. 

After lunch, we went back to the bus and headed to the wine tasting event and tour of the factory!
Look at all those bottles of wine!

I wondered if the Ark of the Covenant was in there, somewhere hidden among all those crates of wine.

All the bottles being cleaned.

The cubes up hanging on the ceiling were for noise control.

Amy snapping a shot.

DARN YOU HANNAH!!! I got her back for this one!

All of the caps were just lying on the floor.

Look at all those tanks! These weren't even the biggest ones.

Hello Hannah.

Some of the older tanks.

And the wood ones, which give the wine an extra bit of flavor, depending on the wood.

They sat us down with three glasses in front of us. One for water and two for the wines we were tasting.
 First, we tried white wine. Then a rose colored wine. And finally, two different red wines.

Amy tried to shove her purse into the space in the table.
It was quite an event. Afterwards, everyone had the opportunity to buy something. And then it was off to the bus to head back to Reutlingen. I had a headache by this point, but not for the reason you would think. I started coughing the day before. Hannah's cold was making its way into my system. 
The next day, and the day after that, I was miserable. Fortunately, Hannah gave me some Nyquil when I needed it most, and now I am feeling much better! 

The wine tasting was a fun event and it was really nice to see everyone from Reutlingen! It was definitely something new, and I'm glad I went!

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