One Year Abroad!

Thank you all for following along as I blog about my year abroad. I will not be able to blog every day, but when I am able to post, I hope that you all enjoy! I know that it makes it easier for me just knowing that my family and friends are reading at home and supporting me even when I'm away!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Times are Coming

I realize that I haven't blogged in a while, and I am sorry to keep you all waiting. The problem is that my life has not been too interesting since I have been back. I have fully come to appreciate the academic career of the German student, as I have followed in their footsteps for the past four months: Meaning that I have done little to no work, and now am catching up big time before finals! 
So beyond homework, studying, and just the right amount of procrastination, I have started to make plans for my two month break!
I have met several times with Hannah, Rachel, and Helina and we have planned a trip to Paris! So far that's about all I truly have planned, but hey it's Paris! This trip will be taking place at the end of February. I have already bought my ticket to Paris, I just need to buy my ticket back and figure out where I'm staying.
So besides Paris, I have a trip planned to Munich to meet up with Lori and Bruce and the girls! I am very excited about that trip as well! That one is planned for April! I figure that I will meet them at the airport, and then we'll spend a few days in Munich before heading back to Tuebingen so I can show them where I'm staying. After all, Tuebingen is always beautiful, and it will be spring then!
I am still working on planning a few other trips on top of all my studying. 
Besides trip planning, this past weekend I got to meet up with all of the Valpo students in Reutlingen for this semester, including my roommate from Freshman and Sophomore year: Amy! It was so much fun to see her and everyone else from Valpo! I have to say that when I have to go back to Valpo, I am going to be one unhappy student. Sorry Valpo, but you just can't compare to Tuebingen.
These blog updates without pictures always seem kind of boring, and I'm sorry for that. Hopefully soon I will go somewhere fun and exciting and will have the pictures to present quite a spectacular blog post!

The next time I post will either be to celebrate the ending of my finals for the semester, or to fill you all in on something exciting that I did or somewhere exciting that I visited. Either one would be great at this point!

Well, I will post soon hopefully!

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